It’s not selfish to lock your house
Personally, I don’t usually care if people use my house, but it’s currently locked as I’m currently making a grinding bunker for the public to use, but it’s not finished yet. I’ve had people yell at me in chat and stuff for it (someone on Reddit recognize me in game where I mentioned I was making a grinding bunker) and I saw a post about someone having a similar problem with people. The posted user and I (in game for me) have also been called selfish because of it.
There’s an exploit going around where people can copy other peoples houses, so that’s also a reason to have your house locked as well.
It’s not selfish to have your house locked, no matter where it is, if it’s in the neighbourhood or in a PAID spot and for whatever reason. Especially if you’ve paid for those other spots. You’re entitled to have your house locked, and others are not entitled to use someone’s house.
If you want it open for everyone to use, that’s completely your right and all power to you! But it’s also someone’s right to not want everyone to use their house. They’re not selfish for it at all.