Advice on how to proceed when alcoholic partner is in denial of their problem

For context, I’ve been dating my partner for 8 months. We’re both in our 30’s, and looking to settle down. When we started dating I was drinking as well, and during the last month I became sober while starting new meds and have decided sobriety suits me well for the foreseeable future. My partner told me he would like to take a break from drinking as well, so that was that. But it turns out that was not that- my friends took me aside and told me that they have confirmed he is still drinking, and brought to my attention the sheer quantity and extent of his drinking (providing proof etc) that I was not aware of even when i was drinking. So we decided to spend the day together not long after this chat with my friends. Knowing I wasn’t drinking, we had a sober day together. A few hours in, he starts getting very sweaty and shakey- he wrote it off as anxiety but as the night progressed it got worse. His stomach became upset and he could barely hold his fork at dinner. I take a day or two to gather my thoughts, do some research of withdrawal symptoms, and even called the liquor store he goes to to asking when he was in last. I was hoping to prove myself wrong but instead I verified this further. I told him we needed to talk, and when I told him that I knew he had been lying about drinking he denied it telling me it’s been over a week since his last drink. I told him that’s not physically possible given his withdrawal symptoms just days ago, and that if he’s serious about wanting to quit he should go through a detox program for his safety. The conversation ended with no real productive finish, we were both sad, and I heard from our mutual friend that he was on the fence of needing to go through a detox program and another friend who’s closer confirming again that he was still drinking heavily since that last conversation.

I love him and want to support him how I can, I don’t think he’s capable of honesty and transparency when he’s this deep in addiction and I’ve already decided I can’t be in a relationship like this. Is this where I leave it and wash my hands of the whole thing?

So after all that, I’d love advice on how to be there for him while maintaining a healthy distance, or if that’s even possible when he’s in denial. and any other advice you all have for this type of situation