I genuinely don’t feel safe anymore
Hi guys, I feel embarrassed to post this.
I don’t know if what I’m feeling is genuinely panic disorder/anxiety or something else.
I’m 26 (M) and I don’t eat the healthiest but I try to eat fruit & veg daily, I also exercise twice a week. These past two months I’ve been having what I can only link to as ‘panic attacks’ the first time it happened was when I was driving, I felt hot flushes in my head, sweating and instant panic followed by my heart beating incredibly fast, I felt like I was genuinely either gonna pass out or have a heart attack.
Since then I’ve had panic attacks almost daily and convinced I might have cardiovascular problems or something.
I have also been having difficulty breathing with my nose as it always feels blocked up, I also have this weird feeling of light headedness where I don’t feel connected to my body if that makes sense like life feels different to before.
I saw a GP and she said it’s likely anxiety & gave me nasal spray as well because I mentioned my I feel like I can’t breath in properly. The nasal spray has made it more difficult breathing and my panic attacks have continued.
It feels really depressing as I’m scared it’ll happen at any minute, it’s almost like I can’t breath actually trigger it on command it feels, I’m terrified and tired..
Thanks for reading & taking the time