Need Advice for Train Trip from Frankfurt to Dresden

Hello Everyone,

I know this is a below beginner question for most of you, but I will be on my first business trip ever soon. I will take the plane from İstanbul to Frankfurt and take a train to Dresden from there. I imagine that you guys have a sophisticated train system unlike Turkey, so seeing so many rails and trains coming and going scared me a little bit.

Do you think it would be hard for me to find my way from airport to train station, and find the right train and make the right changes until I reached Dresden? What could go wrong and what negative event may happen? Would people I will see around the train stations be open to questions, as a last resort?

All insights are welcome.

I will but my tickets online beforehand.

Edit: Thanks to everyone; your help is greatly appreciated. FYI, when I was trying to book my train ride on multiple sites, the direct rides didn’t appear at first. It was only after I applied the ‘direct only’ filter that I saw the rides you mentioned. Isn't it a little weird for them to list the change-included rides first and almost hide direct ones?