for pediatricians - questions from mom, age 39, about child, six weeks old, male

combination vaccines given at 6 weeks (not the minimum of two months/9 weeks)combination vaccines given at 6 weeks (not the minimum of two months/9 weeks) 

Hello, a mother in my son's playgroup is worried sick regarding the following. (I told her I would ask around and post, as others are also doing on her behalf.)

Her third son went to pediatrician this week for a standard visit. He is 6 weeks old (or seven? I think she said six). The pediatric nurse gave the child the five 'combination' vaccines that are normally due at the two month mark minimum (i.e., usually about nine weeks minimum). The doctor was very sorry about the mistake and said to call him if the child had a high fever or any signs. The child is okay so far and not showing any alarming signs. I told her to get a second opinion but it is hard for her to get an appointment with another pediatrician, since her Medicaid only allows one pediatrician at a time.

Her other two boys are vaccinated so she is not anti-vaccine - she is just worried sick that these were given three weeks earlier than other kids. (She checked her chart for other boys' vaccines and told me they got their 'five combos' at 10 weeks and 11 weeks -- this one got it at six!)

Is this OK?

I feel like this doctor should at least report his screw-up but it doesn't sound like he's planning on doing so.

Any thoughts? Anything I can say to calm her? She is worried that the minimum (two months) exists for a reason and that the baby is too small to have received that many vaccines at once, well before he was supposed to. Could this affect her baby's brain development?