Girls, how many of you are genuinely interested in computers?

Hi everyone, recently I came across a post in my feed where someone surveyed that women in tech in South Asia region are still lesser than projected. Although many women work in IT/allied fields which requires computer knowledge. Still girls are fewer when it comes to being interested in computers.

Since my school days, I've seen a few number of boys being heavily interested in and knows random facts and inner implementations of coding/development/Al or any domain related to computers and technology. However I didn't find that frequency of girls doing the same.

I understand people have different hobbies and interests but I also assume that interests doesn't see gender. Even in my college days, there are very few to none girls who are interested in any aspect of computers.

Other than these 2 independent events, I have witnessed many Thus, I can't help but ask this question, how many of you are interested in computers? By being interested I don't mean that you need to know everything and anything or are associated with that domain and be proficient, it merely means to love doing that, just like what we do with our hobbies.