Conservatives: Is there any gun control proposal that you’d support?

I’m pretty far left on the political spectrum but one thing that I guess doesn’t fall in line with your typical left leaning person is that I’m a gun owner and 2A proponent. I’m a former competitive shooter so I own quite a few more guns than even most other avid shooters. While I’m definitely a proponent of 2A, I also recognize that no right is truly unlimited and we have a gun violence problem in the US that needs to be addressed by both sides of the argument.

I wouldn’t ever support an assault weapons ban, red flag laws, or a registry but I don’t think waiting periods, tightening up the background check system, and possibly some safe storage requirements are unconstitutional and they could possibly save lives. So my question is to conservatives who are pro-2A, is there any gun law that you consider common sense and would support and if not, what would you do about our gun violence problem?