Scared I'm never going to be smart enough to achieve my goals.
Currently I'm diagnosed with Autsim level 2/moderate severity, ADHD, OCD, dyspraxia and dyslexia.
I have a low IQ, my scores range from 77-88 Wich means im half in half out of the BIF/Borderline Intellectual functioning range(<85). My dyslexia and dyspraxia are moderate-severe and I have the top possible accommodations for learning needs in exams.
I struggled in school my whole life, I've been in Sp-ed classes my whole childhood. I'm a teen now, nearly 16 and have completed my junior cert (Ireland) with average grades although I wasn't studying much that year. I did self teach higher English when they decided I have to be in ordenary and despite them not giving me clear information on what too study meaning I didn't study an appropriate play, I still got an average-high grade so Im happy enough.
The main reason I'm struggling in secondary school is I'm in mainstream when I should be most or full time in an autism unit. My ideal class size is 1 on 1 or in bigger classes a 3:1 students to teachers ratio.
I also do awfully with how quickly passed school is, I can't handle switching subjects every hour, my ADHD prefers too do one thing for 2+ hours. My dream would be a school were I can study 1 or 2 subjects in a day(so Monday could be math and science, Tuesday history and English, etc.).
I can study, if I'm supported and my mental health is decent, I'm actually effective at studying and good at creating routines around it, the only exception is I can't self study math, I was good as a kid but algebra and stuff sucks, I take higher math but it was my only JC I failed.
My dream in life is too attend trinity College and study pyscology, my special interest is psychology and I've had professionals be shocked how much I know, I had a phychiatrist say I gave "the best explanation of ADHD she'd gotten from a young person". I did work experience at a therapy office and now I'm applying too volunteer at a leisure Centre for people with Intellectual disabilities.
I been dead set on attending trinity College since I was applied to a course on the future of education that'll I'll be attending later this month. I got in based of my answers to questions, there would of been many applications to it. The problem is getting into trinity is hard as hell, it's a top college, I think the Mabye the most prestigious in the country.
I'd need to do incredibly well on senior cert to get the 500+ points I'll need for the course, I do get some help from a program that means people with certain disability don't need as many points. This school is the best for phycology, and have a reputation for being accommodating to students who are disabled.
I had a teacher question my ability to do this goal, implying I didn't know how to study and that I was aiming too high. I want this so badly and I'm scared, what if he's right and I'm not intelligent enough to make it. I've been trying everything to work towards this goal, I've been doing online phycology course and doing as much relevant work/volunteering experience as possible, stuff like helping with the ASD class tours on open days and independently hosting learning disability awareness weeks at my school.
I know I can do a lot when I put my mind to it and I really think I can study enough, I honestly don't even mind studying much as long as it's all I'm doing for the whole day.
My dad suggested looking for a math tutor at Trinity, since it's a common way students make money and these People are already in the place I'm trying to get in.
Has anyone here with BIF got into a prestigious university? Is it unrealistic to go for this goal? Am I too stupid for university?