Financially screwed up, seeking advice for where to start? Debts built up
Okay, so not sure if this is the right place, and secondly, judge away! It’s a dumb story. In summary, I have about ( guessing) 20k worth of debt, scattered mostly across a range of personal loans. Ages ago, something weird happened with my bank, all direct debits just stopped working including my one personal loan held with the bank. That’s were all of this started really, I started defaulting on the loan payments, half heartedly tried to pay them manually and then gave up ( inset extended period of insanity and I just stopped trying to pay them) yeah! Dumbass This has been going on for months, yup months now!!! I have a range of excuses, but here I am. Now, I get I’ve fucked my credit rating, that’s not what I’m asking about. Dose anyone have advice if a reputable company I can go to to explore my options, or Do I call the debited one by one and work out a deal moving forward? Ugh! Just writing that feels so gross. If I’m honest I’m thinking that bankrupt thing where they consolidate your debts into one smaller payment? But no idea where to start with that! I earn okay money, so pretty sure no one is going to buy that I ‘can’t’ make the payments, ie bankrupt, I also read somewhere that at my income ( 118k) even if I went bankrupt I’d be up for something insane like $2500 a month even if I went bankrupt, which is insane, not sure if that’s true or not. There are a heap of places online who ‘help’ but they feel scammy.
Looking for preferably an organisation or company who could give me my options, or do the debt consolidation thing for me?
Judge away!
Edit to add: Jeepers you guys are all so bloody kind!!! Thank everyone for their advice, and kindness and the very nicely worded slight kick in the butt responses!!! I