Asking my SO to change his soap again?
My fiance (33 m) and I have been together for like 4 years now. His products have been getting more and more irritating to me. Its old spice and other stuff normally pushed towards "men". I don't even dislike the smell but it makes my sinuses go crazy. My eyes water and I get kinda nauseated.
I've asked him to change it in the past and he did but still stuck with really heavily scented stuff. I don't feel like I have the right to just hand him something that doesn't have any scent if thats what he likea... but I don't like getting a head ache at 7am because he showers and left the door open.
What the heck do people use that is fairly gender neutral?
EDIT: Thank you everyone for your comments and suggestions. I often feel like I ask for too much because of my sensitive Everything. But he was really fine with switching things up.