Klubnacht 20/21 January 2024 - Queue live updates, pre/post event discussion, reviews and reports
Line-up is here.
FAQ - Please read before asking questions: Doors open Sat 23:59. Friday night's wristband isn't valid for Klubnacht. Klubnacht entry +/- 25€. Guestlist (GL) queue runs along face of building, right side of main queue. Abendkasse (ticket desk) closes when the last DJ set starts. Afterwards, no more fresh entries, re-entry at bouncer discretion and only possible if you already paid 5€ for a re-entry sticker when Abendkasse was open. Music presumed to stop around 08:00 Monday. Bouncer shift changes around 08:00 and 18:00.
Please post your live updates from the Klubnacht queue. Don't underestimate the usefulness of your feedback. Queue can be unpredictable; can grow from 0 to past kiosk within 30 mins. Once you're inside, please continue to help our little community by reporting the queue you see from the Pano/Bh toilet windows or looking out from the Garderobe through the entry door.
For many people, knowing which bouncers are working can be just as important as the queue length and movement updates. Please keep those bouncer updates rolling in even if the queue is short and especially if you notice the bouncers have changed since the last update in the thread.
Q Info that's useful:
- where the queue extends to (snake, concrete blocks, magic cube, kiosk, 20m behind kiosk, Wriezener Karree, Metro sign (bitte nein!!).
- time you started queuing
- speed of queue movement
- total queuing time before reaching the front (start time, end time + reminder of where the queue extended to when you started)
- how many bag check stations are in operation in the security check room
- which bouncers are working. Other than Sven and Mischa, please no real names. Only physical descriptions (Beard, Neck tattoo, Tunnel earring, hat with long sideburns) and references to if they're the regular crew for that time of day/night. Celebrity lookalike nicknames are also acceptable: Norman Nodge, German Vin Diesel (Matrix), Ryan Gosling in his green bomber jacket, "Slim" James Franco with mustache, Ellen, Slick etc. Try to be more descriptive than "bouncers who I didn't recognize". Its more about describing the person than their clothing, unless you happen to know that they wear the same distinctive item every week.
Watch your drinks and please take care of each other.
Thanks for your help and viel Spaß