Why innocent suffering
This has been the hardest thing to reconcile as I re-explore my faith. I’m also not talking about the suffering that leads to growth (e.g. overcoming an addiction) or even suffering that is inflicted on ourselves as a result of our negative behaviors, but needless suffering - we have children who are born into war zones, and endure incredible punishment through no fault of their own.
I understand God didn’t create suffering, it is the result of humans, but how can God who is all-knowing, all-loving, “the way the truth and the life” not insert himself more into the natural world to prevent these things?
Natural law can clearly be bent since He raised Jesus from the dead, so why do we not have more miracles like this?
I understand none of us are The Son of Man, but I have yet to find a good answer for this, and hoping to hear from others on how they wrestle with this
The closest thing I see in my short time in scripture is in the Gospels Jesus says about wars “these things will happen”, and maybe this is sufficient?
Edit: thanks to everyone for the insight! I think my current understanding is that 1. This is beyond my understanding and a part of creation and 2. Just as we hear about suffering, we also have events of non-suffering God is also responsible for.