It is really annoying that the upgraded Ice Staff is borderline unobtainable when playing with randoms.

Hopping into a game of Liberty Falls, Terminus, or Citadelle with randoms, even if they have no mics and don't know anything about the map, I am still fully capable of just personally building the Wonder Weapons and doing whatever side easter-eggs I know how to do.

On The Tomb, however, I have never once successfully upgraded the Ice Staff when playing with randoms, because they just do not follow the damn purple ball during the last step, and it fails the upgrade unless all players stay right next to the purple ball for a minute straight.

I'm entirely capable of upgrading the staff myself in solo, so I wish they would just let me try to do it myself in a public match and get my ass beat if it's too hard without help.

Hell I would build and upgrade the staff and hand it to a random if it let me.