Cos is running it's own game to the ground

Nobody can not say they aren't running their own game to the ground when it's already happening. Cos is ignoring its community and for good reasons because everyone in it is really toxic most of the time and will be threatened by their own players. Like literally, it is bad to say that this community is way worse than the path of titans or the isle combined? I think that's a world record, and It isn't a compliment.

And I would be annoyed with my fan base too if all I get is

"Ew, that desgin sucks " or "we didn't even need that. Why are you adding it?"

Every. Single . Week. They hear that

So, at this point, there is no fixing Bugs in their games like the ones that need fixing like the hit box's like seriously that needs to be change like Why is this dude hitting me from 4 blocks high and somehow still hitting me??? 😐

Also, let's not forget the cash grabs?

30 dollars just for a t shirt and a stupid pin? What kind of scam is that? And somehow, they got around a loophole to sell that in the game because one game tried to do that and almost got banned from roblox itself.

Like, I remember the game when it wasn't a gambling game, and it was actually fun to play. But now, with the new elder update, you gotta do 75+ hours to get too full elder? I mean at this point cos knows there fans have nothing else to do in their life and will do anything too get a only 2 % Buff that does Absolutely nothing for a 75+ hour growing process which is insane btw atleast give us more stuff.

Also, can i mention how you can't get any creature easily anymore? Like, what do you mean I have to stay 5 hours grinding on your game just to get a stupid tier 2 that does nothing? I just wasted 5 hours of my life on a useless creature.

Also, can we talk about the pricing of this game? What do you mean there's a 300k creature that does nothing? The only good thing it does is fly, not even any special moves, that would make it special, just that it is only owned by devoplers 😐.

I'm also surprised how Cos didn't get sued for the t shirt and pin thing because I remember that a lot of people stuff never came, and Cos straight up said, "yeahhh... so I know you paid like a fortune on this stupid shirt, and now you want a refund because it didn't come? Sorry, that's not how life works, so no refund for you : ) " Cos that is called scamming and surprised how you're not in court.

We also can't forget how a lot of their developers are creeps, btw.