The Danes love to talk…to each other

I spend a lot of time in Denmark and I love it! I am based in the UK and have noticed a slight cultural difference that I wanted to know if anyone else might have picked up on…it’s quite nuanced maybe. Or whether you might disagree at all! So in the UK when you see friend groups sat around, or couples in restaurants lots of different scenarios, they have quite constant lulls in conversation, periods where no one is talking that can last for quite a while, whether it is awkward or not I’m not sure but when I am in Denmark I notice there are never any lulls, they seem to be chatting constantly always having something to say, it seems the conversation is always flowing. Does anyone think similarly? Has anyone else noticed this?

I am not saying the English aren’t chatty I know they can talk but this is something I have definitely noticed so it clearly must be happening a little bit!