AT4 and Javeling gameplay/damage test

So I went to the Battle Pratice and tested the AT weapons (mainly Engi AT4 and Javelin) against the Tank Destroyer Jeep.

Both took 3 shot to destroy the thing from the side at 50m. It's mean that AT weapons aren't weak, they dealt quite Okay, not huge, damage against light armour vehicles, which is what we mainly see in King of the Hill and occasionally on Attack and Defend.
It is the healling that the problem. Vehicle self repair can recover 24HP for the TD (tank destroyer), which is nearly a quarter of the TD health, and each vehicle have 3 repair for a total of roughly 75%. This is a serious problem and is what make them OP, since they can run behind cover, very quickly, repair twice since cooling is only 20seconds.

My suggestion is that each vehicle can only self repair twice and have a cool down of 25s instead of 20s. This forced the drivers to stay back and be less argressive or more strategic on the vehicle placement. To recover more HP, driver need to either stand near the Resupply station OR is/have an engineer as their passenger to help with the healing, same thing should be done especially with helicopters. I hope that this would reduce the amount of vehicular manslaughter that is happening in every game of King of the Hills.
AT4 should also get their damage reduce so that it will take 4 shots, instead of 3 to destroy a light vehicle, giving more incentive to use the Javeling which should get their ammo refill of 2 missiles, instead of 1, same goes for the AT4.


So, I tested out some more. This time is the back of the TD, MBT side and front and the IFV with the AT4 and the Javelin.

The results are:

- For the TD, there are no difference when shooting it behind or front, so just shoot it anywhere.
- For the MBT, it's a bit inconsistance. On the side, it took 4 AT4 shot, each dealing 25 damage to destroy it, 3 shots if you are using the Javelin (so there are some benefit of using the Javelin vs the AT4). On the MBT frontal, same thing, aparently, there aren't really a strong/weakspot for armour vehicle. It's just damage reduction depend on the vehicle. Hence 4 shots AT4 or 3 Javelin for the front.
- For the IFV, apparently, it share the same armour grading as the Jeep/TD, hence 3 AT4 shots and 3 Javelin shots.

Conclusion, AT4 for everything cause of the damage and the ammo count you spawn with. The Javelin NEED to have it ammo count increase to 3 so that it's can compete with the AT4, since the lock on period is both finicky (you need to see the vehicle and can't lobb shot over a hill or shooting a small expose corner) and quite long to get a lock on.