Trying this stopwatch strategy first time today combined with daily meditations
Been struggling with picking at my scalp and occasional mirror sessions picking my face for about 5 years now. Been feeling pretty powerless to this but I’m feeling optimistic about this stopwatch strategy.
I’m using the basic stopwatch on my phone and clicking the lap button every time I pick at my scalp even if it’s just a quick scratch. It’s helping increase my awareness of doing it.
I’ve been mediating for at least 20 minutes a day the past 3 weeks. This is increasing my awareness and self control. Big part of the meditations I’m doing is staying completely still. I can notice when I have the urge to scratch and prove to myself I don’t have to scratch.
The longest period of time today I went without picking was 3 hours. I was wearing a bonnet, listening to an audiobook while cleaning. Mind and hands busy