Doubting yourself? A helpful video on why “Parental Alienation” is incredibly unlikely in real life and a myth often perpetuated by abusers

I hope videos are welcome here, particularly ones from Dr. Ana.

To summarize, Dr Ana in all of her experience and education is sympathetic to estranged adult children and the experiences they faced before becoming estranged, and while she doesn’t dismiss parental alienation as an outright myth she suggests that the frequency of it is a myth perpetuated by abusive estranged parents.

For some background, Dr Ana has a doctorate in clinical psychology and is not estranged from either of her parents, nor does she have any children she is estranged from so she doesn’t have any strong biases that I’ve noticed from occasional viewing. Her main concerns are improving the outcome of victims.

She recently uploaded this video addressing the topic of Parental Alienation. In the video she uses her experience and education to explore the foundation of the topic, some of the research that’s been completed on the topic, and discuss conclusions and biases that could be inherent in the views being expressed.

I really think the video I linked above is worth a watch to many of the people here (and the more recent follow-up video from yesterday too if you’d like to further explore the topic and the sources she used.) If you’ve been doubting yourself and your lived experiences, she will gently reassure you that you are almost certainly making the right decision for yourself.