FACEIT is literally cancer and theiving money

So I wanted to change my name so I thought I'd just get premium for a month as you get a name change with it. Decided to try the new high stakes matchmaking... what a mistake.

First game goes well, win and get +29 elo. Good start but it's strange how it mentions high stakes as being rewarded with up to +/- 30 elo when you literally can get +/- 30 in normal matchmaking queue. Then, second game is a close one where we kinda throw and lose OT, but I lose 31 elo? The wording just doesn’t make any sense at all if you can get above 30 elo gain/loss. If it says UP TO +/- 30 then you should gain or lose maximum +/- 30 elo, not above that. If FACEIT can’t get a simple thing like this right it’s no wonder the app is a shambles.



As well as this, top of the ladder on the rewards for rank 9 is a guy with a 19 win streak... and 19 games?! Like seriously, do any of the admins actually do anything?