UPDATE on buyer requesting refund!!!!
Recap, yesterday I asked for help regarding a buyer requesting a return and refund for the Wii Mini I sold, and I was made aware of a scam where people switch out parts.
I decided not to give the refund based on the feedback but I was nervous because he knew where I lived, so I asked a police officer I knew if he could hang around my house today just after 5pm because that's when the guy came around yesterday (just after work) and I was nervous he would come back. Luckily I live in a town of less than 1000 people, so I knew a police officer who would be willing to help and didn't have too much else to worry about.
Well, he did come back, and it turns out this is not the first time he's done this. He's known to police, the guy is not just a scammer but an actual thief. Lmao. And he didn't have the items I sold him, so I think he was just going to try to bully me into giving him the money back.
Take this as a huge warning about selling from your house, also make sure you read up about all of the popular scams before you sell so you can recognize if someone is trying to scam you.