The last secret in Ragnarok (Spoilers!)

So, as we’ve found out through a few Reddit threads, there is a secret buff you can unlock called “The Nine Realms”. It is only activated in combat, and it can only be activated if you have one enchantment from each realm slotted into the amulet of Yggdrasil.

No one really knows what the buff does, but I can’t help but feel (considering we still haven’t found a major secret per game dev) this buff is significant.

There are also various pieces of equipment that are “The Nine Realms” pieces. Such as the Rond of the Nine Realms, the Hilt of the Nine Realms and I think the Pommel of the Nine Realms.

I’m trying desperately to piece it all together (queue Charlie Day in front of a chaotic map) with the fact that apparently this last undiscovered secret involves Tyr and his poses throughout the realms. It’s killing me! Could we open up a discussion about this? Has anyone else managed to figure anything else out? Would love to hear some thoughts and get this secret squashed. I hope it involves a way into Asgard or possibly a way to explore Jotenheim as Kratos. Maybe even find Atreus or Sindri?