Rebuilt a departed friend’s bike

In august I received a phone call that one of of my best friends had laid his bike down hard on I20 going through Georgia while on his way to Alabama. When he crashed the bike landed on top of him. I bought it from his wife after the funeral. Took a few weeks before I got started. I went in to a local custom bagger shop. They had two conex boxes full of OEM parts of different years but it was a huge mess. I inquired about getting a discount if I organized everything in there. The owner told me to put everything I want into a pile and he and I could talk about it when I’m done. I decided to come back a second day because it was so much work and I wanted to do a good job. when I had finished, he told me I could just have the parts for my labor. The price of the prodigy rims alone was a sweet deal but I got almost everything I needed cosmetically. The bike was a black 2010 street glide. I’m very pleased with the outcome but would still trade it any day to have my friend back. I’ve received criticism for riding it from the more superstitious people among my circle. I ride it to honor him. It’s still his bike, I’m just taking care of it until I see him again.