Metronidazole for BV

Hi ya’ll! So my time has come and I got BV. My sister has struggled with it for years and I’ve had the pleasure of never getting it… until now of course. I was wondering what the thoughts are on taking a probiotic pill orally as well as the Metronidazole? I know that it kills all bacteria and I’ve struggled with yeast infections before which I’m nervous about. ALSO, I normally do boric acid suppositories for yeast infections followed by probiotic suppositories. Any thoughts on once I’m done with the medication for the BV doing a day or two of boric acid followed by a probiotic ? Or is this contradictory since the medication is supposed to take care of it?

PLEASE HELP IM DESPERATE. I really don’t want this to be a reoccurring thing as I’ve seen the frustration my sister has had to go through with this 😅