JM Song Hot-Takes

What’s a song that rarely gets discussed that you absolutely adore?

What’s a song that gets raved about, but that leaves you cold?

(Kill gently, please 😫)

I’ll start: -I think “Moon At The Window” is exquisite. There isn’t a single misplaced syllable in the lyrics. Larry Klein’s bass and Wayne Shorter’s clarinet are just DIVINE. The melody is challenging without being alienating. I really think this is a jazz masterpiece - albeit from a lesser album of hers, but one that still deserves revisiting.

-I cannot stand “Big Yellow Taxi” and “The Circle Game.” I’m sure I would have enjoyed them when they first came out, had I been around (I was born in ‘93). But now, listening to Joni sing these twee campfire songs - knowing the depths she would probe and breadths she would explore in her more mature work - makes these two virtually unlistenable to me.