Top ten reasons why JoGOAT > Lorozu
- JoGOAT is faster. Jogo is comparable in speeds to Naobito, who should be comfortable above the heavy hitters in speed. Meanwhile Yorozus bumass needs Bug Armor to even match the heavy hitters.
- JoGOAT has domain amplification. Yorozus entire fucking kit falls apart against domain Amplification. No bug armor no stats no perfect sphere no SHIT.
- JoGOAT has higher AP then she has defense. JoGOAT was incinerating entire buildings with ease. Meanwhile Bug Armor Yorozu gets bitched around by Piercing Ox.
- JoGOAT can just regen literally anything she does. The same thing he was doing against Sukuna.
- JoGOAT has Wmber Wnsects. Multiple Bugs > one bug. Yorozu(With Bug armor) = one bug.
- JoGOAT matchup diffs. Her bug armor seemingly has no insulation. Jogo covers her in lava and she is boiled alive.
- BUMrozu has no RCT. She can't heal from any of JoGOATs attacks.
- JoGOAT one taps with Maximum Meteor. Its Waximum Weteor. It would've hurt Yujikuna if it hit, which is more then Bumrozu did in her entire fight against a physically weaker Sukuna.
- JoGOATs domain refinement is better. Consult CFYOW to confirm this.
- BUMrozu would lose to Dagon(Domain diffed.) JoGOAT is Dagons superior.