Femur and tibia bone contusion

I’ve had a knee issue for 7 months now and wondered if anyone else has had similar symptoms.

I played a lot of soccer before the injury but I don’t remember any specific impact or shock to the knee. It started out as a bit of stiffness, and finding it difficult to turn on it. Over time it turned into a mild pain with a sensation of weakness and instability that got worse after doing sports. Sometimes it felt also felt a bit numb. I’m still able to walk normally with very little pain at all but I’m unable to do any sports.

I went to two PTs who told me it was tight quads, I did physio for 2 months but it felt like it got worse every time I exercised.

I finally saw a doctor who told me it’s likely to be meniscus damage. I had an MRI scan and the results showed that my cartilage and tendons were intact and that there was bone bruising around the femur and tibia.

I’ve had the symptoms for 7 months now and it doesn’t seem to be getting any better, what’s more confusing is that I don’t remember and collision that would make the bones bash into each other with force to cause the bruising.

Has anyone else had anything similar to this? Will this eventually heal?