If I found myself in a private class with a pantyless, braless, rose-stroking, lingerie-clad, middle-aged yoga instructor,
…I would have panicked. Seriously, I might have needed an inhaler. Kuddos to both Juan and Karla but mostly Juan! Juan handled it the best way he could. He was steamrolled by both production and that woman in a situation that went from “uncomfortable” to “absolutely unacceptable.”
We throw the word “abuse” around a lot, but this was it. Juan was pressured, cornered, and subjected to inappropriate touching under the guise of “instruction.” When the scene was playing out, I turned to my husband with a million questions. He didn’t even look up from his phone. Just muttered, “I’m trying not to look. It’s gross.”
The woman was weird, sure, but the situation was worse. It should never have happened, and certainly should never have made it to our tv screens.
Edit: I blame production more than this woman. The woman should know better than flashing her private parts, but the yoga instructor is very clear on her website and social media as to what she is about.