Lots of stuff is happening. And I wanted to share my opinion.

Lots of people are leaving the sub and I don’t even know why. Maybe DeVoid? Maybe the people with the user flairs that just take it too far? The lack of MD content on the official Glitch channel?

Yeah, I’m staying.

I know my place and I will continue to try coming up with new fan stories for the series. I’ve grown fond of the show and it’s characters and I sincerely hope I can continue bringing them to life.

The end of a journey means the start of a new one.

Lots of people are leaving the sub and I don’t even know why. Maybe DeVoid? Maybe the people with the user flairs that just take it too far? The lack of MD content on the official Glitch channel?

Yeah, I’m staying.

I know my place and I will continue to try coming up with new fan stories for the series. I’ve grown fond of the show and it’s characters and I sincerely hope I can continue bringing them to life.

The end of a journey means the start of a new one.