NPs don’t realize how much teaching i actually do

this is all lighthearted, it’s just happened with every family i’ve ever worked for. it goes something like this

NP: NK knows their right and left/colors/numbers/letters! did you teach them that?

Me: yep! i’ve been doing that while putting shoes and coats on/reading books/playing with toys for a while now!

NP: hmm maybe they teach it at preschool too

Me: …yeah maybe! (knowing damn well i’ve been narrating those things since they were 12mo and NK only started preschool 2 months ago)

it’s like, yall WFH don’t you hear how much yapping ive done to your kid the last 2 years? i’ve always tried to be conscientious of our noise since they both WFH but since they clearly aren’t paying attention we’re about to have dance parties all day long