PvP events should award promo cards/packs, not just badges. Binders and Showcases are the reason.

I might be in the minority, but I find it hard to actually play PVP in GP. Not because it's hard, or I don't run meta decks, or anything like that.

The rewards are just boring and underwhelming. Shop tickets for wins and emblems for mission achievements.

5 wins in a row is basically a bracket tournament and you winning, all for an emblem that will just be replaced. You can show off binders with older promo cards, but you only get 3 emblem slots. I'd much rather chase a promo card than an emblem.

The one part about PTCGO / PTCGO is the competitiveness to get cool cards or packs. If you are going to need to win 5 matches I'm a row, give out something usable, like a promo card or packs.