Foolproof fast-growing plants?

I'm looking for something to grow in this 10gal tank that isn't just hair algae. I don't even care what it looks like as long as it grows fast and isn't duckweed. I have some bacopa and vandelli that are doing alright but they're growing slowly. Everything else I've tried has just died slowly over time/looks like it's dying slowly now. I don't know why, I feel like my tank is just cursed. I've had it up and running for a few years now. For about a year and a half it just was an algae mess with a snail in it, but a couple of months ago I cleaned it up, got some new plants, and a betta. Does it just need more time to fill out?

I'm looking for something to grow in this 10gal tank that isn't just hair algae. I don't even care what it looks like as long as it grows fast and isn't duckweed. I have some bacopa and vandelli that are doing alright but they're growing slowly. Everything else I've tried has just died slowly over time/looks like it's dying slowly now. I don't know why, I feel like my tank is just cursed. I've had it up and running for a few years now. For about a year and a half it just was an algae mess with a snail in it, but a couple of months ago I cleaned it up, got some new plants, and a betta. Does it just need more time to fill out?