Complaining about dating’s unfairness as a man will lead to nothing and is a pointless endeavour
I made this comment in another thread and decided to make it it's own thread.
In regards to men and their frustration with dating.
There comes a point in the natural world, in a survival situation, where a living thing stops crying or moaning or squawking or howling or whimpering, and it goes deadly silent. This is the moment that in it’s core being, it really understands and realises that NOTHING is coming to help it, ever. It’s mother, it’s pride, it’s herd, it’s friends. Nothing. It is fully alone and in charge of whether it lives or dies. From then on it remains silent and it’s energy is diverted entirely to survival and action. Making any more noise serves no purpose whatsoever. Those who argue or vent or post their frustration about not being able to attract a willing sexual prospect or ask for sympathy on reddit are still in the whimpering phase, the squawking phase. Subconsciously they still think somebody will hear them and come save the day.
So the choice really is yours, and how long it takes you to get to that "ok, regardless of what I say or how much I complain or even how I feel, it really is all down to me. And even then, I may fail."