Day 7

27 female - I think I've had CHS in the past, but I smoked after and was "fine" for a while. This last time I was in the E.R, it was 7 days after I had last smoked. Why does quitting bring about CHS? For reference, I was smoking a few bowls a day - about 3.5 grams every 12 days. I also smoked the vape a few times a day. This was only for about 4 months.

Last Monday (almost 2 weeks ago), I had a panic atrack that brought about extreme stomach distress and CHS symtoms (nausea and vomiting). I have not been able to eat since then.. almost 2 weeks ago. 7 days ago, I decided to quit weed because CHS was possibly behind it. I've also noticed that I get these episodes right before my menstrual cycle. I saw someone in this group talk about possible endometriosis behind their similar symptoms?

I'm on day 7, and I'm still unable to eat and vomiting. I cannot go back to the E.R (I can't afford it).... when does this end.....