Any ideas or guesses on how old she is?

From the research I've done so far I know that it's pretty much impossible to find out how old a rabbit is or at least extremely hard, but I'm hoping some of the more experienced bunny people in here can help me with some guesses?

She's a girl, no idea what breed, she weighs about 5lbs and all in all she's really curious and sassy. She does get easily scared sometimes but idk if that's relevant because that might just be because we've only had her for about 2 weeks.

She does have some white hairs sprinkled over her back and bum, and I read that that can be a sign that the rabbit is older especially with darker colored ones and she's basically just a void of bunny with how black her fur is.

I hope we can find a good guess or range of how old she probably is so that we can try and get her a buddy that's a similar age.