Help needed - Unfair feedback from new attending.

Facing some disciplinary action because of concerns from a very recently graduated attending from the same residency program I’m in. We worked together as residents back when I was an intern, and they just never liked me, just a difference in personalities.

This attending, after just 2 days of working with me, sent in a long email mentioning how I was incompetent, endangering patient care, etc. Nothing specific, but very inflammatory. Absolutely nothing happened from my side, no adverse events, or S.I. events etc. It stemmed from personal animosity. They just didn’t like my attitude because I didn’t cave in to the power trip they were having. I performed the same way I did during all my previous rotations, for which I’ve gotten very good feedback for.

Need help on what to say and how to explain all this, in a way that is not too accusatory and also owning up to it to some extent, with a plan to rectify it, because that’s what I hear admins love.