Clairen is going to make me quit this game

My god man. Maybe it's just because I main Zetter and I just can't seem to beat any of her options, but I feel like the only way to get away from this character is just to stop playing.

It doesn't help with the Floor Hugging/CC down tilt that she just gets away with in the middle of my combos as well. Couple that with the up tilt spam right after that I just can't seem to DI mix my way out of until 50+%, or the guaranteed throw into F strong no matter what I do. Can't tech in, you'll get killed, can't tech in place, it'll still get ya, but also don't MISS the tech because you die also.

None of the other characters make me this heated. Not even the stupid frog with the only combo they all seem to know being dair, in up air, into up tilt 5 times in a row.

Literally my only problem with this game is how free Clairen is. Those VERY liberal hitboxes for the tipper, which is always a guaranteed combo that some times you just die to. Tipper dair into up throw, and now you're eating 2-3 up airs if you're low enough. Tipper dair into f throw into f strong.

Anyways, rant over. I love this game but man this stupid swordie makes me mad. Thanks for reading!