Need help getting rid of duplicated data based off a certain column

.leftJoinAndMapOne('itemHistory.customer', CustomerEntity, 'customer','itemHistory.customerId =')
 .leftJoinAndMapOne('itemHistory.receipt', ReceiptEntity, 'receipt', 'itemHistory.receiptId =')
        .leftJoinAndMapOne('itemHistory.picklist', PicklistEntity, 'picklist', 'itemHistory.picklistId =')
        .leftJoinAndMapOne('itemHistory.asn', ASNEntity, 'asn', 'itemHistory.asnId =')
        .where('itemHistory.wmsCustomerId = :wmsCustomerId', { wmsCustomerId: wmsCustomerId })
        .andWhere('itemHistory.currentStatus = :currentStatus', { currentStatus: params.statusCode })
        .andWhere('itemHistory.creationDate BETWEEN :from AND :to', { from: startDate, to: endDate })

I am using typeORM query builder method, which translates to the next sql

\itemHistory`.`publicId` AS `itemHistory_publicId`, `itemHistory`.`id` AS `itemHistory_id`, `customer`.`id` AS `customer_id`, `customer`.`name` AS `customer_name`, `receipt`.`id` AS `receipt_id`, `receipt`.`publicId` AS `receipt_publicId`, `picklist`.`id` AS `picklist_id`, `picklist`.`publicId` AS `picklist_publicId`, `asn`.`id` AS `asn_id`, `asn`.`publicId` AS `asn_publicId`, MIN(`itemHistory`.`currentStatus`), MIN(`itemHistory`.`description`), MIN(`itemHistory`.`sku`), MIN(`itemHistory`.`partNumber`), MIN(`itemHistory`.`packageType`), MIN(`itemHistory`.`width`), MIN(`itemHistory`.`height`), MIN(`itemHistory`.`length`), MIN(`itemHistory`.`weight`), MIN(`itemHistory`.`creationDate`) FROM `item_history` `itemHistory` LEFT JOIN `customers` `customer` ON `itemHistory`.`customerId` = `customer`.`id` LEFT JOIN `receipts` `receipt` ON `itemHistory`.`receiptId` = `receipt`.`id` LEFT JOIN `picklists` `picklist` ON `itemHistory`.`picklistId` = `picklist`.`id` LEFT JOIN `asns` `asn` ON `itemHistory`.`asnId` = `asn`.`id` WHERE `itemHistory`.`wmsCustomerId` = ? AND `itemHistory`.`currentStatus` = ? AND `itemHistory`.`creationDate` BETWEEN ? AND ? AND `itemHistory`.`warehouseId` = ? GROUP BY `itemHistory`.`publicId``

The problem that i am getting is

Expression #2 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column '' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by"

the only thing i am trying to achieve here and it is not working, is delete duped results based on itemHistory.publicId
i would really appreciate any help