Why does Chun feel so... bad at "high level"?


I'm a Chun main and I wanted to open a discussion about her. I don't know how to explain it, Chun is good, she probably has the best 5lp in the game, has good mixups, a lot of tools... but playing her at 1500 - 1600 she feels kinda bad compared to other characters.

It's hard to explain, it's not even that she's "complex", it's more like everything is a chore and requires a lot thinking, like her only real convert off a ch is a just frame combo with a just frame cancel into her spinning bird kick. Good luck with that. Her best long range poke is her 5hp but even if you land a punish counter you have to stance cancel to convert off of it. Hell, her best punish for a shimmy is her 2mp you have to cancel into her stance while most characters just have to hit one big button and cancel into a special.

The character feels like you can't afford a lot of mistakes, you have to play really clean and read a lot to win your interactions.
I don't know if I'm crazy, but when I play her it's like my opponent can do 4 or 5 mistakes per round and be okay while if I mistime one thing I lose a lot of either my drive gauge or my life bar.

I'm not saying she's trash or anything, she's strong, but she requires to be so clean it's exhausting. What do y'all think?