A 17-year-old on /r/Animemes confesses that his waifu is 16. You will never guess what kind of drama shows up in the comments!

Just kidding, of course you will. It's age-of-consent and fiction-is-reality drama! It all starts with someone reminding people that sometimes people aren't American:

16 is legal where I am (+71)

Doesn't mean you can look at underaged porn (-68)

And it certainly doesn't get better from there:

there is a blanket rule on pornography that requires all subjects to be above the age of 18. This is entirely independent of the AoC of the area one lives in

Yea but we're not talking about pornography here we're talking about a drawing, does that rule still apply if there are no minors involved?

Even aside from the drama, this is a funny sentence:

Nobody is hurt in hentai, so what's the point?

And of course the crux of the issue once again:

"ignorance" I'm literally arguing against pedophilia.

You’re literally arguing against fictional illustrations. That’s not the same at all.