RX Motor Replacement - Support telling me I have first return the broken one

I am one of many whose RX motor has slowly died due to parts breaking off inside (I believe I have a gen1). After waiting many many months and back and forth with support, they finally have replacements in stock. So I place the order (that I paid for), then find out that they will not ship the replacement until I send in the broken motor/wheel assembly and I have 10 days to do so. This is an out of warranty purchase by the way.
When I asked why I need to return it, support tells me there is a part(s) they have to remove off my current wheel assembly that requires a special tool to remove and put on the replacement.

Has anyone else dealt with this? is this a valid request from support?

UPDATE: See my recent post - ended up doing the work at home and have my RX back on the road! Super Happy


