Had To Explain A Yeast Infection/BV To My Guy Friend Today. I’m Baffled.

My friend has been going out with this girl for a couple months now & everything seemed to be going very well for the both of them. Until he told me she cheated on him. I was of course sympathetic for him & asked what happened.

He begins to tell me she refused to have sex for a week straight & he thought this was odd considering she’s always in the mood. He confronted her about it & she later admitted she had been dealing with BV and reoccurring yeast infections lately. She didn’t tell him because she was embarrassed.

I asked him how that was cheating & he looked at me like I was the crazy one…he goes “I obviously didn’t give her that, some guy did.” I sat there for a good hour explaining to him that BV & yeast infections aren’t STIS & don’t get passed on through intercourse but simply are because of hormones/other contributing factors.

I asked him if he even asked her about the BV or yeast infections before making assumptions…he told me he was so upset in the moment thinking she cheated he just stormed out of there and was planning on ghosting her afterwards.

Smh. I get he’s young but I feel at 23 you should know the difference between STIS and things that aren’t STIS….