Some weird pains

Hi I've been taking wegovy for about 2 months now. I'm at .5 once a week. Haven't lost much weight yet. Notice I eat less and I have heartburn and gas occasionally but that was really it until about 4 or 4 days ago.

I've started getting this pretty intense pain behind my upper right ribcage, center if my sternum area. It hurts more if I breathe in deeply and sometimes I can even feel it into my back. The 2 worst episodes I had, it felt like there was undigested food in my esophagus? (The pipe from neck to stomach) I would force myself to burn a few times because it would offer some minor relief for a few seconds. Eventually it would cause me to spit up a little. Not really vomit just like some thick mucus/saliva and some small pieces of undigested food.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Any ideas was it could be?