3 Marked AMX CDC AMA
read a post on here a week or so ago about someone considering 3 marking the AMX CDC and that inspired me to buy it back after 7 years or so and mark it myself. I must say while a challenging tank to use I thoroughly enjoyed marking it and I would suggest anyone who previously owned buying it back and having a go.
I already had 80ish battles and so I don't know my exact stats but each session averaged around 2.3k dmg and 1k assist.
Equipment builds I used were optics, vstab and rammer, or optics, low noise exhaust and cvs.
Pros: very good view range, amazing mobility and great gun depression
Cons: huge, no armor, average camo, low pen and alpha.
Playstyle: this tank relies heavily on its high view range and high mobility allowing you to rotate very quickly and out spot enemies. The great gun depression allows you to be very flexible with where and how you play. Since you are quite large with low camo and zero armor, you have to play either at the view range limits or flanking when possible.
Same tier mm: you are honestly a bit of a bully when top tier. All your pros allow you to run fast around the map and outspot lower tier tanks, while the gun pen is no issue and you can dpm through everyone. In this case I almost exclusively used the dpm equipment.
Bottom tier mm: depending on map and team comp, playing as a scout can be very effective, however if your team has light tanks and you are forced to play for damage it gets hard. The gun struggles and you have to work hard to find angles that work.
Credits: final session won 13/24 games and made 2.4 mil credits.
Best results: Highest dmg: 4.3k, highest assist: 4.7k, highest combined: 8.1k, highest xp: 2.5k