So I started Silver Flames
First I must say I started to dislike Inner Circle since book 3 but in 4 they're just insufferable.
I have no problem with morally grey characters when the narrative recognizes them as such, but here it feels like SJM just plays favorites who are right about everything despite their actions.
So you're telling me these guys hate Tamlin so much for locking Feyre up for her safety but then they do even worse to Nesta and see no problem with it. First year after the war they didn't even ask how is she doing, justifying it with "we wanted to give you time", but didn't Feyre hate Tamlin for not asking her as well? Then they did Rhys' favorite "illusion of choice": do what we say or go away, btw you have nowhere to go and we already destroyed you house and packed your things without your consent. And blaming her for spending 500 coins and making such a tragedy of it meanwhile they finished building the FIFTH MANSION for themselves? I'm sorry, but wtf. Elain also has the audacity to comment on Nesta's behavior "she doesn't even try" when she herself got all the attention, understanding and patience from everyone around, mainly Nesta.
Relations inside of IC are also not friendly at all, as they always present it, but strictly hierarchical. Rhys is the "main alpha" and everyone bends to him. Who doesn't bend is seen as "not trustworthy" like Lucien because he dared to find his own friends. Can't Feyre see that her position as High Lady is only nominal and whenever she gives an order everyone still turns to Rhys for confirmation?
And btw, the way how SJM portrays SA survivors is baffling. I though Nesta would train them herself but no, they agreed to train with two unknown guys and when Nesta and Cass flirt dirty in front of everyone, they are not triggered, they just... giggle? Of course I myself can't speak for SA survivors as well but imho it felt just like in third book Rhys flirted with Feyre in that library and priestesses giggled as well, as narrative confirmation that everyone must like their couple and ok with their behavior regardless.
P.S.: Pardon my English is not my first language and I'm reading the book in translation;
P.S.2: The way how Rhys-Cassian-Azriel discuss sex life with their ladies between each other is... disgusting.