How does this looks improvement plan sound to make my life easier as a ugly autistic male?

I don’t have a job yet but I’m getting help with that, when I do get one. Once I’m employed I want to prioritize improving my looks because I cannot compete with tall attractive NT guys, and never will.

But I can’t still improve my chances with women to get them to pay attention to me. If it fails then I’ll probably go buy escorts and accept my fate as a doomed loser. Anyways here’s the plan.

Step 1: go to the gym, get leaner, reduce face fat, build muscle, etc.

Step 2: Find the perfect hairstyle that would best suit my appearance.

Step 3: Find the perfect skincare regiment that would make my skin 100% flawless.

Step 4: Find the best clothing style that suits me the best.

Step 5: Either get better looking glasses or switch to contact lenses.

This would take a decent amount of time for me to accomplish all of this. But as long as I’m here I’m not gonna give up on it. Looks are everything so I want to strive to make myself the best looking version of myself that my genetics will allow. I’d even throw leg lengthening surgery in there but it’s too dangerous and risky.