Seeking (possibly unwisely) Advice On Alternative Autism Treatments

I am a 39-year-old male diagnosed with Autism Type 1, Combined ADHD, and Bipolar Type 2. I am very high masking, so many of my diagnoses are fairly recent (as a result of some severe depression and burnout).

After discussing and exploring some treatment options with my doctors, I couldn’t help but notice that none of them (with the exception, perhaps, of the ADHD medication) seemed interested in the actual root causes of what are currently referred to as “neurodiverse” conditions.

I understand that there is still a lot of research to be done in this area and our understanding is still rather primitive — and that a great many environmental and societal factors have dramatically exacerbated the problem — but what have people‘s experiences been like experimenting with treatments outworking from a different understanding of the problem?

For example, I keep hearing about newer research observing connections between stomach bacteria and the brain’s ability to self-regulate. What do you guys make of that?

And please, no flippant replies about autism not being a disability or needing treatment; My sense of self-worth is not tied to my neurodivergence, and it does cause me significant functional difficulty. I am simply interested in ways to improve my quality of life through possible treatments.