Does anyone else feel guilty?
First off, I just want to preface this by saying I love Bey, and I’m not trying to be negative at all! I know most of us have been a bit disappointed with the prices and I just want to vent.
I went in with an initial budget of $300 (I paid $280 for a nosebleed when I saw her for RWT in DC) but ended up paying $500 for a seat in the 200s (ATL night 3). I wanted a better seat then last time so I knew I’d have to pay some kind of difference but $500? 😭
I’m obviously mad at the dynamic pricing but I’m also a little sad that I felt more guilty after buying the ticket then happy. I feel like I let FOMO take over and feel stupid for letting that influence my purchase. I’m actually considering not telling my family bc I don’t need them doing too much over it lol and making me feel worse. Does anyone else feel guilty? I’m also planning to resell mine later on and hopefully get a lower price but idk.
*also, before anyone says to not feel bad and that I paid for an experience, ik! I love Bey and ik she always shows out but I just feel kinda crappy about how much I spent*
TLDR: Does anyone else feel guilty about the price they paid for their tickets?
*EDIT: So glad to know you’re all feeling the same! Based off the comments I think I’ll refund and try again :). Good luck everyone!*