The problems with most Indiana Jones knock-offs

One of the reasons Raiders is such a miracle is that there are so many ways it could have gone wrong (refer to the story meeting transcript).

I’ve watched a lot of Indiana Jones knock-offs from the 80s till now, and I’ve noted the tropes they consistently get wrong:

  • Having the lead guy and girl be too much at odds
  • Feeling the need to over-explain the backstory of the lead guy and gal
  • Making the quest ‘personal’ for the hero
  • Not tying the McMuffin to any real life lore with the weight of history and myth behind it

Which is usually coupled with:

  • Over-explaining the made up lore, which usually involves collecting multiple plot tokens to combine

And worst of all, IMO, which the Indiana Jones series eventually fell into:

  • Making the quest a generational thing, that the hero is merely completing a quest their father or mother started

You will note, of course, the the 1999 Mummy movie does none of these, and that one reason it’s the best Indiana Jones imitator

EDIT: Obviously I meant McGuffin rather than McMuffin, but it’s funnier to leave it


  • Making the hero a meathead who needs all the lore explained to him by the sidekick (as opposed to Indy being a history prof)
  • Having exposition and plot conversations happen during the action scenes

Added, thanks to u/ultraswank

  • Bringing in the supernatural too early