Did someone really 100% the game blox fruit ?
Hello guys, when i play blox fruits i always think at on question did someone really finish at 100% the game see what do you have to do : 1. Get level max(2450) 2 . Get all weapons (Guns, sword ) 3. Do all quest 4. Max out All weapons ( max mastery and one stars and v2 ) 5. Max out all fruit ( max mastery and full v2 ) 6. Get every fruit as same time 7.get every material ( réd cristal exclued) 8.Beat all bosses ( classic , raid , spécial quest) 9. Get all title 10.get all color haki ( regular , legendary , quest ) 11 . Get 30 m bounty and honor 12. Do 10 times all raid 13 . Do 10 trade 15 . Speak to every npc 16. Do 10 chess game 17.max out all fighting styles 18.get all boat 19. V4 every race 20. Do 10 combo Games passes are exclued good job you finish blox fruit tell me your opinion about this did i miss something ?