cmv: Trump needs to finish his term and succeed in everything he set out to do

Things need to get worse before it can get better. Two things must happen before things will get better: the republican voters must understand completely and unequivocally that the republican party as it is now is a stain on the world and must be eradicated, and the democratic party must understand that the only forward is progressive reform - and neither will be accomplished if the republicans are stopped anything short of a fascist coup.

If the republicans are voted out of office, great, the democrats will do nothing with their new majority. Perhaps a few bills here and there will be passed in the spirit of “undoing the damage caused by Trump”, but no real significant effect will be felt by the public - times will still be hard, fascism will still be at the doorstep, and the democrats will still follow a strategy of being center right.

Furthermore, many republicans will cling on to the idiocy of “we didn’t implement capitalism hard enough.” Only when they and their loved ones are hurt will they speak out - and by then they will finally realize that it is too late.

In theory, the Democrats could change their strategy and use their opportunity to crack down on corruption, but I don’t think that will happen - if Trump winning doesn’t teach them that their center right platform is failing, nothing will.

The system is broken. The people want change, neither party wants to bend to the will of the people, and yet the people accept this status quo because they themselves are still doing fine for now. Trump needs to destroy the system, and only then will real change come.